I'm using Matlab Thermo Import for my property calculations. Therefore I created some special oils in TEA with the PCD-Manager. Now we want to "automate" the creation of new components in TEA with Informations we've got in XML-Files with the help of Matlab.. Unfortunately, I can't see a way how to organize that. Is it possible to create new TEA-Components with Matlab and Cape-Open?
Exactly what kind of data we would like to supply to TEA?
All kind of data which are necessary to setup a new component. Such as number of species and structure of molecules, groupdata etc.. As I understood, the PCD-Manager estimates other necessary properties by Joback etc. itself. The estimated IdealGasHeatCapacityCp(T) - parameters would be supplied from us.
I also saw, that there is an option to import new components into the pcd-manager via xml-files.. so we could write all information we know into an xml-file and import that one. But then still we need to click by hand in the pcd-manager with which method we want to estimate missing properties.